Church (Michigan: Baker Book House, 1993)
1. Main Emphasis of Author(s)
Leading and managing a church takes a lot of hard work, skill
and strategising. There are skills that can be learned and
methodologies that can be used successfully to enhance one's
leadership and management potential.
Good leadership in recent times is characterised by someone
who leads others to do the ministry rather than doing the
ministry himself. By focusing towards leading others into
ministry a pastor can increase the church's growth potential
because the entire congregation becomes capable of working in
ministry. Leadership has three main parts;
1. Setting goals, 2. Obtaining goal ownership and 3. Equipping
people for the work.
Only when people want to achieve the goals set by the leader,
can they be moved onto the final step in the process.
When placing people into areas of their gifting it is
important to understand that the church is a body with
discernible parts. The problem in leadership is that we do not
encourage ministry by those gifted differently from us.
Management involves planning toward better time management as
"success is (often) 90% time management". It also involves
proper planning and goal setting, good and on©going
development in the art of listening, evaluating where people
are coming from and communicating ideas to ministry people and
the church.
Proper and regular evaluation of self and others in the team
is needed for a smoothly run church. It is easy to let things
deteriorate without even knowing it.
2. New Ideas
Focus upon 60% of your work week in the areas of your
giftedness and the other 40% doing that which you least enjoy
or do the least effectively.
Jesus four step discipling process;
1. I do, you watch (observation and model),
2. I do, you help (limited participation),
3. You do, I help (assist, evaluate),
4. You do, I watch (fully trained, encourage).
Delegation requires a variety of levels;
1. Do it and don't report back,
2. Do it and report back immediately,
3. Do it and report back routinely,
4. Investigate and make recommendations to me, and we will
decide together,
5. Gather data for me, and I will decide.
3. Main Principles of Leadership/ Management that emerge
1. Leadership requires giftedness and ongoing training
2. Leadership helps others do the ministry
3. Leadership allows others to work in their gifting and helps
them in it.
4. Managing the church involves proper time management
5. Good management involves proper goal setting and proper
constant evaluation.